
Frequently Asked Questions

What’s so great about CruisePicker?

Three things make this app the best way to find a cruise using your iPhone. 1) A super simple search 2) Compare prices from several different booking partners to get the best deal 3) Track the price of your favorite cruises for free (we send you a push notification if the prices changes).

Where do you get your reviews and photos from?

The app uses the awesome reviews and photos from They are the only site that has verified cruise reviews. If you haven’t checked out their site, you really should.

Is the price guaranteed?

No. Cruise prices are like airline fares - they go up, down and up again. If you see a good deal, jump on it! Note, CruisePicker does not guarantee any specific rates or prices. While prices are updated several times a day, please check with the partner’s booking site for the exact amount.

Can I book the cruise with you?

No, but we have pretty amazing booking partners we work with. You may have heard of some of them - Priceline, Expedia, CruisesOnly and more. Just click through on the price and agency and you can book on their mobile website. Please note - we are not a booking agent or travel agency. Our partners (travel agencies and cruise lines) provide prices, which we list. CruisePicker App is not responsible for content on other web sites or apps.

Can you help me find a great deal?

Absolutely. Here are the steps:

  1. Do a search and browse results for cruises you like
  2. For cruises you like, click the watch (binoculars) icon
  3. Select the departure date(s) you want to track. Thats it!

When the price goes down (or up), we’ll send you a push notification. Even if you’ve already booked, you should track rates for your cruise. If the price drops, your agent may be able to hook you up with some OBC (On Board Credit).

I need help using your app. Or I have a suggestion to make your app better.

Great, send us an email at We read every email.

How can I help this app get more popular?

Please rate and review in the app store! And tell your friends.